Random Rogue presents...

The New England Pop Music Festival
September 14-16, 2006

The Abbey Lounge
Somerville, MA
NE PopFest 2006 NE PopFest 2006
The Phoenix Samuel Adams
The 2006 New England Pop Music Festival was held September 14-16, 2006 (Thursday through Saturday) at The Abbey Lounge in Somerville, MA (just outside Boston).

The New England Pop Music Festival (a/k/a New England PopFest, a/k/a NE PopFest) is an annual music festival celebrating and showcasing the pop music of New England musicians.

NE PopFest 2006 was the third of these annual events and ran in three evenings, Thursday through Saturday. Each evening 6 bands performed full sets. The 2006 festival included some of the best bands from several different parts of New England, covering a range of pop music styles.

*** Podcast featuring the 2006 NE PopFest bands ***
[Podcast deleted]

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Copyright © 2004-2024 Roy S. Rubinstein. All rights reserved.
The New England Pop Music Festival theme song Copyright © 2006 Robin Lane/Roy Rubinstein. All rights reserved.
"The New England Pop Music Festival", "NE PopFest", "Random Rogue", and the nepop logo are trademarks and may not be used without permission.
Web site designed and maintained by Roy S. Rubinstein.